About HISP Asia Hub

HISP Asia Hub refers to a regional consortium of HISP groups that operates in the Asia region.

The following groups are part of the HISP Asia Hub:

The HISP Asia Hub focuses on supporting countries in the Asia-Pacific region in implementing and strengthening their health information systems.

This includes providing technical assistance, capacity building, and facilitating knowledge exchange among countries in the region.

The hub plays a crucial role in promoting the use of DHIS2 and other health information technologies to collect, manage, analyse, and use health data for decision-making and improving health outcomes.

Key Activites

Overall, the HISP Asia Hub serves as a regional resource and facilitator for strengthening health information systems, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes and healthcare delivery in the Asia-Pacific region.


Customization & Adaptation

Supporting the customization and adaptation of DHIS2 to meet the specific needs and requirements of countries in the Asia-Pacific region


Training & Technical Support

Providing training and technical support to government health agencies and partners on DHIS2 implementation and usage


Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

Facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among countries to promote best practices in health information systems strengthening


Development & Implementation

Assisting in the development and implementation of data quality assurance mechanisms and standards


Integration & Tools

Supporting the integration of DHIS2 with other health information systems and tools to enhance interoperability and data exchange

Upcoming Events

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